Monday, March 19, 2007

Alpha Dog

It took a lot of waiting...a lot of patience...before this movie finally premiered. I heard about it several years ago, so I guess I might have been waiting a little longer than the average movie goer...I had a feeling the performances would be good, although many of the actors in the movie are fairly unkown (often that alone is a good sign of quality). I had already heard that Timberlake was great, so I did not worry about a Britney Spears/Crossroads repeat.
Sooo...synopsis? Check out not going to repeat what every movie review out there have already written. Yes its based on a true story, yes the trial is still on, yes its a sad sad story. But I often find the movies based on true stories to be the scariest ones. - And this one is not an exeption. There were times when I wanted to reach my hands out through the screen and bitch-slap the BEEP out of some of those kids...Spoiled brats...
I suggest you spend your 10 bucks on this movie if you get the chance, its worth it. And if you need an additional excuse; go watch it for Ben Foster. The man is brilliant.