So...what effect did the zombies have on the film..? I actually have to admit that I bought the whole idea. Although the idea of zombies at all is scientifically impossible...they managed to make it believable in this film (to a certain point). I guess in a way they weren't zombies...they were people with a severe case of rabies...or something similar. The loss of hair...the aggression, sensitivity to light...it could happen...sort of. Not sure what I think of the explanation behind the rabies outbreak...but then again, 20 years ago people had a hard time believing in HIV and its effects on the body...So I will let it pass.
I think I was worried ahead that the monster/zombie part would ruin the film, but all in all I really enjoyed it. And I think watching Will Smith hunt deer in the middle of Times Square alone is worth the 10 bucks.
Oh...and not to forget. The movie can be seriously scary at times...Fortunately without getting gorey or splatter-like. If you are easily scared...make sure you bring a stable friend to cling to...I thought I did...but the boyfriend turned out to be even wimpier than me...