I went to the movies this past weekend. No surprise there. I tend to do that...atleast once a week. -Twice the past week actually. Not that such information is very important...nor interesting. But there you have it. I had free tickets and decided to use them on 'Iron Man'. You know, sometimes you just want to watch a movie without thinking too much. And any movie based on a comic book hero is such a movie. -And Saturday was a good day for not thinking. It was the weekend after all...and I spend the weekdays over-thinking everything in the lab and at work.
I didnt have any expectations to be honest. The thing with comic related movies is that you cannot have any expectations. You have the really really great ones (Batman begins (2005) for instance) and the really really shitty ones (Fantastic Four (2005)...sorry. I just vomited a little in my mouth). The potential failure is too big...so no anticipation is the best way to go.
-Which is the very reason why comic related movies can work so well. Iron Man is such a movie for yours truly. I watched this with my boyfriend who clearly hated it. I dont think I heard him laugh once during the movie, while I absolutely loved it. It still puzzles me that we could disagree that much when we usually have the same taste in movies. But I guess everyone has their preferences. The first half was great. I love Robert Downey Jr's ability to be sexy AND an asshole at the same time. Perfect timing and quick, smartass comments makes him amusing as well as interesting. I almost feel like I re-discover this guy with every movie I watch him in. -Which is bullsh*t ofcourse, but thats the kind of mark he leaves. He was also the perfect choice of Iron Man. He is good looking enough to be a playboy, yet nerdy-looking enough to pass off as a genius. I bought it.
I will not get into the typical comic-book fight at the end. I was disappointed by the last third of the movie, but I would say the first half was good enough to save its honor.
So the verdict? Highly entertaining and worth your bucks. Just dont invite an over-analytical person to join you. After all...it is a comic based film.