As I have written down my thoughts about Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker before, I will not talk about it here. I will instead refer you to this: http://skiscorner.blogspot.com/2008/07/respect.html
if you wish to read it.
I watched this film a couple of days ago and it is still burned into my memory. Something happens to me when I see a film I really enjoy…I am left with a sensation that makes me feel…how should I say it…alive. Some people use drugs, some people drink and others jump out of airplanes. I watch movies. I know…its perhaps a little weird…but it has become a part of who I am. Some movies just get to me. Rarely do action films have this affect on me…but this one did.
I don’t care to tell you the story…you can easily figure that out for yourself if you wish to. I am more interested in the feel…the sensation you are left with. The film is dark, however not as visually dark as ‘Batman Begins, 2005’. If you haven’t seen ‘Batman Begins’ you probably should before watching ‘The Dark Knight’…although I wouldn’t say it is a requirement. ‘Batman Begins' is literally dark…It is night most of the time and if the story is taking place in daytime, we are usually inside or underground. This gives it a very gothic feel. ‘The Dark Knight’ actually has a great deal of scenes taking place outside in the middle of the day. You will even see the sun over Gotham. To me this was unexpected. However, the film is just as dark, if not darker than the previous thanks to the characters. Thanks to Heath Ledger and ‘The Joker’. Its is pretty amazing how you can watch a movie like this taking place in sunlight and you still feel like you are watching a very dark and moody film. Obviously there are night scenes and underground scenes and all the other type of scenes you expect. But what got to me is the dark and horrified feeling you are stuck with, even in sunlight.
The story also takes you on a rollercoaster and there will be at least 3 incidents in this film that have you believe it is ending. Just as you prepare to see the credits something else happens and you are thrown right back into it.
So…still wondering if you should check it out? Please do, if not for anything else; to see the peak of Heath Ledgers career.
I for one will watch it again…and again.
I don’t care to tell you the story…you can easily figure that out for yourself if you wish to. I am more interested in the feel…the sensation you are left with. The film is dark, however not as visually dark as ‘Batman Begins, 2005’. If you haven’t seen ‘Batman Begins’ you probably should before watching ‘The Dark Knight’…although I wouldn’t say it is a requirement. ‘Batman Begins' is literally dark…It is night most of the time and if the story is taking place in daytime, we are usually inside or underground. This gives it a very gothic feel. ‘The Dark Knight’ actually has a great deal of scenes taking place outside in the middle of the day. You will even see the sun over Gotham. To me this was unexpected. However, the film is just as dark, if not darker than the previous thanks to the characters. Thanks to Heath Ledger and ‘The Joker’. Its is pretty amazing how you can watch a movie like this taking place in sunlight and you still feel like you are watching a very dark and moody film. Obviously there are night scenes and underground scenes and all the other type of scenes you expect. But what got to me is the dark and horrified feeling you are stuck with, even in sunlight.
The story also takes you on a rollercoaster and there will be at least 3 incidents in this film that have you believe it is ending. Just as you prepare to see the credits something else happens and you are thrown right back into it.
So…still wondering if you should check it out? Please do, if not for anything else; to see the peak of Heath Ledgers career.
I for one will watch it again…and again.