I dragged my ex-boyfriend/current friend off of his sofa and with me to the movies last night to see Lucky Number Slevin, which is a movie I have been looking forward to for some time now. Its strange how it can be crazy difficult to get someone to go with you to the theater on a Saturday night...but for me its a nice break from the increasingly tiring clubbing that my single status forces me to go through.
Anyways, its a movie I have been looking forward to ever since I first heard about it a year and a half (or so) ago so my expectations were probably a little higher than they would have been for any other average movie. And expectations are usually a bad thing when it comes to movies. Im a fan of Bruce, those of you who know me knows this so its not a big surprise. But fan or not, there are movies I like better than others. However with that said (and now you are probably expecting me to say Slevin disappointed me), expectations or not, Slevin is a cool (and "cool" is a carefully chosen word) flick with a great sense of humor...-but then again, Ive always been a sucker for dark humor.
Trying to describe the synopsis is for some reason a little difficult. Josh Hartnett plays Slevin, who by the error of mistaken identity finds himself involved with two rivaling crime bosses (Sir Ben Kingsley and Morgan Freeman) and the war between them. In addition you have a professional assassin, Mr Goodkat, played by Bruce Willis, who is in town to kill someone, and an adorable neighbor of Slevins buddy, played by Lucy Liu, who is a sort of amateur detective wannabe. Mix in a big dosage of violence, and a nice twist or two and you get a good piece of entertainment.
I will admit that the movie had its flat parts where you were kind of waiting for something to happen, but great dialog kept your attention till the end. -By the way, who knew Josh Hartnett could be that funny? Give that boy better scripts Hollywood!
If you're looking for an excuse to get your butt out of the apartment and into a more social environment, Lucky Number Slevin is worth your money. No doubt.
lol, Linn, stop beating around the bush... Did you like it or not? lol...
Kidding! I'm teasing you... ;)
OK, I confess it. I found 16 blocks, ehm, well, in Italian we would say "it told me nothing". I means, there's nothing new on the screen.
But I tend to be very critic sometimes, lol, and when a friend of mines dragged me to the movies to watch the movie with Banderas playing some ballroom dancing guy, I'm bored enough to notice the mic showing up on screen from the top of the scene... ya know... those furry mics they use while filming...
However, I haven't seen the Slevin flick yet (guess what? It has yet to come out in Italy, not that I know, anyway) so I'll watch it someday and then I'll tell you what I think of it :)
PS: I think I am dislexic
I'm back online and... They had a Bruce Willis Film Festival on KLM flights this August, lol. I could see Over The Hedge (I cracked myself up) and Lucky Number Slevin (very good movie, I liked it). They also had 16 blocks but I skipped it :)
Also watched Inside Man (good), The Sentinel (average), TransAmerica (average), RV (totally idiot) and...
I think I saw something else but right now I can't remember. Amsterdam - Quito is such a long flight... It's like having a pass for some film festival, lol, movies movies movies...
And good looking stewards! hahaha...
Or anyway, the one I had in Bussiness Class flying to Quito :P
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