Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Excited about...

I first heard about this movie a year ago or so...I watched a trailer that was made before the actual filming had started. The trailer is filmed with a handheld digital camera and the footage is raw. A group of kids is filmed at a "going away party" when the party is interrupted by a massive roar outside. Next scene shows an explosion at what looks like Manhattan and the head of Lady liberty lands in the middle of the street. We are talking major monster movie, and the secrecy surrounding this film has created a huge buzz around the world wide web. Some said remake of Godzilla, others said alien invation. The hype surrounding it reminds me a great deal of the "Snakes on a plane" hype...and unfortunately high expectations usually result in high levels of disappointment...although I personally loved have to take it for what it is. See the irony in it and you will love it too.

Ofcourse Cloverfield has already premiered in the US but I have purposefully avoided the reviews the past couple of weeks. I dont want to know what this film is about. I want to figure it out as I am watching it. And I am planning to do so this weekend.

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