Thursday, October 18, 2007


If you are Norwegian and just came out from underneath the rock you have been hiding under the past couple of months, you may wonder why I am going to write about steaks...(as "biff" means steak in Norwegian). Likewise, if you are one of my American friends, or another foreigner who happen to have stumbled upon this site, you may wonder what the heck this biff with punctuation's is. I will tell you.

B.I.F.F is short for Bergen International Film Festival, and is an 8 day eldorado for anyone who loves film. And I love film. Tonight Im watching 'Sakuran' which is a Japanese film about geishas, and Im watching 'The dog problem' which is an American movie with the following tag line: «When a man's best friend is his dog... that dog has a problem.» Scott Caan (oceans 11-13, gone in 60 seconds) is the director of the latter...Im not sure what I think of him as an actor, but I sure am looking forward to form an opinion of him as a director.

Anyways...May the movies flourish! Im excited!

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